In the two class readings on the African philosophy of Ubuntu, both articles made cases that ‘we’ is stronger than ‘me’. I like the part that states that Ubuntu philosophy is compassionate, but not soft. If a person is lacking or falling behind they must be challenged. I see this as an opportunity to support and encourage one another for the greater good of a larger group. This concept in certain areas of our modern society can be extremely challenging. There are going to be individuals that want to reap the benefits of a society yet are not willing to participate in its daily functions, and often they are not challenged. Ubuntu, team work, treating others as you want to be treated, these appear to be such simple concepts. Why then is it beyond our grasp in with modern society to achieve this? In our fast paced, get a head world we have separated ourselves from each other. If it is not ‘I’ must win or be better than you, we are placed in a group by color, religion, political affiliation, or even a sports team and it is still you, and your group, that must come out in the winning spot. Maybe we would do better with Ubuntu philosophy if we did live and function in smaller groups of individuals. Interacting with people from so many diverse backgrounds and cultures throughout the world puts a lot of conflicting ethics into the individual pieces of the puzzle and maybe they just are not made to fit together.

Completing a project or assignment on your own is a great way to learn important skills. Working as a group can give you additional strengths that almost anyone going into the work force would find valuable. Depending on the requirements of the exercise and those involved in the group project the process and the results can vary immensely. In some groups if there are members that fall short of their fair share of commitment, others may pick up the slack to achieve the final result. When you are in a situation where each member must fulfill their own part before the team can move on it can be very frustrating for those that are on the ball and ready to proceed to wait patiently on those lagging behind and can of course result in the project running late. Communication is a key to success and hopefully the members of the team who are on top of their part would encourage and assist the ones falling short for the greater good of the project.


I view social identity as the overall picture our peers form about an individual. In our fast paced society it can sometimes mean stamping them with a label and placing them in a societal role. This can affect an individual's personal identity by persuading them to act or speak as others expect them to which in return could inhibit their internal voice of who they are or who they desire to be. In comparing the two identities, I see two sets of eyes. The set viewing with outside eyes, social identity, labels a person by their outward appearance and actions through the credence of an outside entity opposed to our inner eyes, which calculates our self-identity via our thoughts and perceptions attained with personal experiences and beliefs.