Non verbal communication can easily become an obstacle between people of different cultures. Many common hand gestures used on a daily basis in America, such as the v shaped peace sign, a thumbs up, or an okay gesture, can actually be offensive to other cultures as their use of the gesture could have a different meaning or possibly mean the total opposite of the American gesture. A Native American may look to the floor to avoid their elder's eyes as a show of respect where as a white American would view this as disrespectful. In Eastern cultures it would be quite common for two men to hold hands as a gesture of friendship as where in America the only thought that would come to mind is they are lovers. Another common misunderstanding would be if you were offered a meal and you declined, this could be seen as a very rude and offensive gesture. When traveling abroad it would be helpful to look into other cultures hand gestures or to even keep them to a minimum if you are not sure what they mean in a different country. It is always helpful not to jump to conclusions when someone behaves in a way you deem disrespectful and might be helpful to ask their intention of their gesture before judging.

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