Hello, my name is Tami Franklin. I moved back to my hometown of Stillwater one year ago to pursue a college degree. After graduating High School in 1990, I took a path where I enjoyed a marriage of fifteen years, the birth of a daughter and a son, plus many opportunities to share my love of dancing with others. I have always loved to dance for as long as I can remember. I have taught for over twenty years and owned my own studio for fourteen, teaching ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, pointe, pom, and competitive dance. In 2007 I began learning a new style of dance. Partner dancing is very different from being a solo dancer. I love two-step, shuffle, and waltz, but my newly found favorite 'West Coast Swing' is the bomb!!  I am also a sincere lover of Star Wars, not the kind that dresses up and goes to conventions, but the one who is truly touched and inspired by its story and characters. I sometimes wish that I could live, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away......" My current focus is on achieving a BA in Liberal Studies and maybe going into the field of International Studies where I hope to seek out and explore life and among its beauties find a few of its secrets.
Jacqulin Arriaga
8/30/2012 07:09:59 am

Hello Tami, I am also a lover of dancing, not so much on competitive dancing, but I enjoy going out and dancing. I love line dancing (well, what I know how to do LOL). I have FINALLY talked my husband into dance lessons. We enjoy going out and having fun with friends and it would be an amazing time if he knew more dancing and didn't step on my feet all the time!

Nicole White
8/31/2012 01:16:18 am

Hi Tami, it is really great to meet you. You kids look so much like you. You have a good looking family! I have always loved to dance but have always been very BAD at it!!! Looking forward to getting to know you this semester!!

9/3/2012 08:54:18 am

Hopefully just sitting next to you in class will be enough for some of your dance moves to run off on me! I bet it was awesome to be able to own a studio and share with others your love of dancing! Good luck on your studies, I think it's great that your going to go back to school with an interest like yours! See you in class!!

9/4/2012 03:10:58 pm

Hey, I've heard of the West Coast Swing, but I've never actually seen it. What is the difference between that and regular swing. lol, any time you'd be willing to show the class some moves, I bet we'd all love it!

9/21/2012 02:08:20 am

Great looking blog Tami! Keep posting - I enjoy reading about you when you share your thoughts! : )


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